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Empyreal Dragon Room Guardian

Empyreal Dragon Room Guardian


Payment plans start with a 25% down payment and regular scheduled payments that can be altered to fit your needs. Contact me to discuss a payment plan that will work for you. 


Monumental change follows the path of the Empyreal Dragon. If you catch a glimpse of its blazing fur in the sky, you can be sure your current reality it is not long for this world. 


The Empyreal Dragon has an amethyst crystal heart. Its head stands about a foot tall and its body stretches 30 inches long. The head is an original polymer clay sculpt, and the horns were individually sculpted out of durable thermal plastic. Its mane and tail were sewn from meticulously layered feathers and faux fur. The body consists of many cuts of high quality faux fur all hand quilted together. It has a fully posable plastic ball and socket armture that runs throughout the whole body. The front feet are hand sculpted from flexible clay with wire inside so each toe can be individually posed. The back legs and ears are cast in very durable resin, and the ears can swivel 360 degrees at a ball joint.

© 2023 by Sasha Blake. Proudly created with

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